Ways to De-Stress From Work

Ways to De-Stress From Work

Does the to-do list keeps piling up? Logging more hours at work than your personal life? Before you decide to cuss the next person out or quit the job completely, we recommend you take a minute to de-stress.
Work desk
Be still, and bring your attention to your breath. Set a timer or take as long as you need to take deep breaths. The goal is to be in a room free of distraction, while you inhale and exhale for 15-30 seconds. This will allow your mind to refocus in order to make better decisions.
Remember when you first applied for the job? You had a need or want that needed to be met. Think back to that very moment and ask yourself if you've achieved that need or want. If not, determine how work can help accomplish the goal. Often times, we become comfortable and distracted that we forget the mission/purpose of us being where we are. Do not give up on yourself! Revise your goals using baby steps and incorporate how the job will help you get it done.
There aren't enough hours in the day to do everything we want. Therefore, a woman with a vision/plan will not perish. Plan your day/week/month/year accordingly. Plan how much time you plan to spend working on job related issues each day. Once that time has been met, it's time for you to clock out and move on to the greater things in life (fun lol). 
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